The moments our lives may be bright with possibility, dark with fear or sadness, or even plain everyday gray, but God's glory never fades. May God's glory shine into the exciting lights, upsetting darks, and boring grays of your every day.
Sunrise: 7:02 am
Sunset: 7:59 pm
Life is a special occasion!
Today is Sorry Charlie Day which is for all those who have been rejected and yet somehow survived. Celebrate this day by taking a minute to remember a past rejection. After doing this, be happy and realize the fact, that this happens to all of us.
Social rejection occurs when an individual is deliberately excluded from a social relationship or social interaction rather than practical reasons. The topic includes both interpersonal rejection and romantic rejection. A person can be rejected as an individual or by an entire group of people. Although humans are social beings, some level of rejection is an inevitable part of life.
Never the less, rejection can become a problem when it is prolonged or consistent, when the relationship is important or when the individual is highly sensitive to it. The experience of rejection can lead to a number of adverse psychological consequences such as loneliness, low self esteem, aggression and depression. It can also lead to feeling of insecurity and a heightened sensitivity to future rejection.
According to some the phrase comes from a StarKist Tuna commercial in the 1970’s. The commercial’s main character, Charlie the Tuna, believes he has good taste an wants to be caught by a Tuna company. The company however rejects Charlie by attaching a note to a fish hook that say’s, Sorry Charlie. The reason Charlie is rejected by the tuna company is because the company prefers to catch a tuna that tastes good, and not a tuna that has good taste.
Don’t let any rejections get you down. Feel good about yourself instead.
If you can't see the bright side, polish the dull side
A rejection is nothing more than necessary step in the pursuit of success.
Bo Bennett
We all seem to have feelings now and then that we are not good enough, but when you think about. we were all created uniquely and perfectly made.
No matter who might reject you, remember you are special and there is no one else quite like you!
I try not to let what others may think about me matter. I’m my own person and enjoy being me. I don’t think we should be judged or judge other people either. We were all made equal and no one is better than me, but I’m no better than anyone else either.
Today is another day to do what I love and when you do what you love, it never seems like work. I like to make my home comfy and cozy and that includes some much needed cleaning here today.
I’ll be taking down the Easter Decorations and since the next holiday to come will be Memorial Day, I’m going to bring out the good old red white and blue. The decorations will last me most of the summer and this will conclude my Spring cleaning. Finally it’ll get done or at least as much of what I’ll be doing.
I hope you all have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!!

Just because you are different does not mean that you have to be rejected.
Eartha Kitt
Counting at least 3 things every day that I'm thankful for. There is truly is always something to be thankful for.
9059. for rejection that taught me it’s important to be me.
9060.for plenty of time to enjoy what I like to do.
9061. for warm days to enjoy on my Spring break. It’s to be in the 70’s today.
Enter into His courts with thanksgiving — and in His presence is fullness of Joy!
Please pray for God's protection of
our troops and HIS wisdom for their
Almighty and eternal God,
Protect our military
as they discharge their duties
with the shield of your strength,
may the power of your love
enable them to return home in safety
that with all who love them
they may ever praise you for your loving care.
AND bless our Police Officers, Firefighters
and Paramedics and EMT’s
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
There’s nothing like rejection to make you do an inventory of yourself.
James Lee Burke
A little smile, a word of cheer,
A bit of love from someone dear…
What’s New at My House
Don’t let any rejections get you down. Feel good about yourself instead.
You are an original which is better than a copy.
I love the pretty flower s and sweet fur babies photos. Good luck getting things done today that you need to do. :)
How funny! I've a blog post 'brewing' in my head that touches on this very thing. Unfortunately, I've always been a bit thin-skinned and dwelt on real (or perceived) rejections. Not to say that's all gone by the way, but I'm 99% better than before. Woot!
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