The moments our lives may be bright with possibility, dark with fear or sadness, or even plain everyday gray, but God's glory never fades. May God's glory shine into the exciting lights, upsetting darks, and boring grays of your every day.
Sunrise: 7:16 am
Sunset: 7:51 pm
Life is a special occasion!
Today is National Doctors’ Day which is about celebrating the thousands of physicians who dedicate their lives to the health and well being of other.
On this day 1842, general anesthesia was used for the very first time in surgery. The use of anthesis represented a huge development in modern medicine and showed the personal commitment of doctors to continuous medical advancements. In 1991, President George H.W. Bush dedicated this day to celebrate the doctors and physicians nationwide.
To celebrate today show some recognition for the doctor in you’re life. Thank them for their admirable commitment to the health and happiness of our loved ones.
If you can't see the bright side, polish the dull side
The best doctors in the world are Doctor Diet. Doctor Quiet, and Doctor Merryman.
Jonathan Swift
I do appreciate my doctor who took me under his care and got my blood pressure under control. I hadn’t had a doctor for quite awhile and neglected to care for my health. But now I go for regular check ups that monitor my health. I was blessed to find a doctor that I also like. I trust him to be truthful and wise.
We can’t cure everything on our own and need a professionals help. Diet and exercise are good but alone they couldn’t fix it. I needed the meds to do that and my doctor prescribed them for me.
Today is supposed to be sunny and warm, the best day of the week weather wise, so I’m going to try and get out and get some fresh air and exercise. After a long and lazy winter, I need a walk around the block for sure. I’ll start with one and hope to work up to more. I have my trusty walker to help me and make sure I keep on my feet and don’t stumble or fall.
It’s supposed to turn colder again tomorrow and maybe snow on Thursday, so I’m going to get out while the sun is shinning!
Today’s pictures are of a walk I took this time last year. Things pretty much still look the same.
I hope you all have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!!

God heals and the doctor takes the fees.
Benjamin Franklin
Counting at least 3 things every day that I'm thankful for. There is truly is always something to be thankful for.
9038.. for doctors that help us to get healthier
9039. for exercise and fresh air
9040. for a sunny warm day
Enter into His courts with thanksgiving — and in His presence is fullness of Joy!
Please pray for God's protection of
our troops and HIS wisdom for their
Almighty and eternal God,
Protect our military
as they discharge their duties
with the shield of your strength,
may the power of your love
enable them to return home in safety
that with all who love them
they may ever praise you for your loving care.
AND bless our Police Officers, Firefighters
and Paramedics and EMT’s
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear scrubs.
Author Unknown
A little smile, a word of cheer,
A bit of love from someone dear…
What’s New at My House
This year, more than ever I think we've learned to appreciate our doctors for all they do.
I'm so glad you have a doc you like who has helped you. and I'm also so happy to hear you are having a beautiful day. Soak up the sunshine and enjoy that walk! :)
Yes, indeed! Sure, there's some 'stinkers' out there; but for the most part we've been fortunate to like (and respect) the doctors tasked with keeping us healthy. I'm happy to know you feel the same. Enjoy your day!
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