Thursday, December 18, 2008
For Thursday, December 18, 2008

DECEMBER 18th, 2008
Peace on earth will come to stay, when we live Christmas every day.
Helen Steiner Rice
Remember that love shared is multiplied many times over
Three wise women would have...asked directions,arrived on time,helped deliver the baby,cleaned the stable,made a casserole,brought practical gifts,and there would be peace on Earth.

It is really cold here this morning but they say it will warm up a bit today. We didn’t get much snow at all yesterday; everything was covered with a crust of icy stuff.
The beagle has done a little better, but is a very picky eater and
Likes my food better than his it seems. I keep trying out different things for him.
Take good care all !
Have a great day all ! Another wonderful one on the Way !
O Wisdom, O holy Word of God, you govern all creation with your strong yet tender care. Come and show your people the way to salvation
Heavenly Father, we thank you for your love.
Come, Lord Jesus, come
Please pray for God's protection of
our troops and HIS wisdom for their
Lord, hold our troops in
your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for the
selfless acts they perform for us
in our time of need. I ask this in the
name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
God, I thank You for today, for the ways You will bless me,
and for the ways that I will serve others in Your name
I am in the hands of God,
and in God’s time all things will be made well.

Today is National Bake Cookies Day
Bake Cookies Day comes at an opportune time. It is right amidst the major December holidays. It serves as a reminder to bake holiday cookies, if you haven't done so already.
Young and old celebrate this day by baking their favorite cookies. Make a party of it, and bake cookies in groups with family, friends, kids and grandkids. Don't stop at baking just one kind of cookies. Plan to bake a number of cookies. Try a new recipe, or two, or three, or....
If you bake more than you can eat, good for you! Wrap up gift trays filled with cookies for friends and neighbors. Many cookies freeze well, too
National Scrooge Week begins today
according to an old episode of the "Mr. Ed" TV show
Today is National Roast Suckling Pig Day
If you are too busy to roast a pig today, take a well deserved break. Go out to a local restaurant and order a roasted suckling pig dinner. It's quicker and easier
Today is International Migrants Day, a time to recognize the contribution of millions of migrant workers, sponsored by the United Nations
1719: Thomas Fleet of Boston published Mother Goose’s Melodies for Children. The stories had come from Fleet’s mother-in-law, Elizabeth Foster Goose
1787 - This is the day when New Jersey was counted as the third state to enter the United States of America. New Jersey’s many truck farms, orchards and flower gardens gave the state its nickname: The Garden State. Trenton, the capital of New Jersey, and once the capital of the new nation, was the locale of Washington’s famous Revolutionary war victory. He turned the tide when he led his forces across the Delaware River at Trenton. The New Jersey state flower is the purple violet, the state bird, the eastern goldfinch, and the state motto: Liberty and Prosperity
1865 - “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, save as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist in the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” With these words, slavery was abolished in the United States. On this day a proclamation by the U.S. Secretary of State announced the thirteenth amendment to the Constitution had been ratified by the legislatures of twenty-seven of the thirty-six states. Actual ratification was completed on December 6, but news travelled slowly in those days.
1935 - A $1 silver certificate was issued. It was the first currency to depict the front and back sides of the Great Seal of the United States
1976: Wonder Woman debuted on ABC-TV. Lynda Carter was Wonder Woman; Lyle Waggoner was Major Steve Trevor.
Searching through row upon row of Christmas trees, my husband Norm and I picked one we liked. Then I noticed the one being held by a woman nearby "the" perfect tree. I watched as she carried it around the lot and couldn't believe my eyes when she set it aside. I ditched ours and ran over to grab the coveted tree."Aren't we lucky?" I said to Norm. "I do feel a little guilty, however, for taking it before she could change her mind.""I wouldn't worry," he replied. She just ran over and snatched ours
Point to ponder:
The teacher was trying desperately to get three twelve-year-old boys to act out the part of the three kings, but with little success.When they got to the crib where the pretend baby was lying, each boy in turn showed awkwardness and embarrassment. The teacher, too, was growing more and more frustrated as she tried and tried again."This time," she said, "As you come and look at the baby, say something - the kind of thing people say at home when they see a baby."The first, and the second boy just couldn't get it right.Then came the third boy and, looking into the crib he said: "O, isn't he like his father!"

If you are looking for a cookie recipe here is just the place
One More…
PlanetariumThis site is a virtual clickable Flash planetarium

gaffe \gaf\, noun:
a blunder; faux pas
by 1909, from French gaffe "clumsy remark," originally "boat hook," from Old French gaffe, from Old Provencal gaf, probably from Gothic gafa "hook," but this origin is obscure. It may derive from British slang gaff "to cheat, trick" (1893) or gaff "criticism" (1896), from Scottish dialect sense of "loud, rude talk," which ultimately may be from Old English gaf-sprac , blasphemous or ribald speech
Dec. 18 - Hidden Treasures:
Often children receive checks or cash for Christmas. When mom receives the money intended for the children, she can create a fun treasure hunt by hiding it in the Christmas tree. These gifts may be hidden in ornaments, on the treetop, or just stuck in the branches near the base of the tree.
There is hope for your future, says the Lord.
Jeremiah 31:17
WHAT if the Internal Revenue Service decided that all adults should be required to return to their hometowns to pay taxes? We would call it unreasonable, at best. In a similar vein, I'm sure Mary and Joseph grumbled as they made their way to Bethlehem. The road was difficult; they were tired; they had left behind in Nazareth all that was familiar. Their future was uncertain; they were poor and inexperienced when it came to marriage and parenting. Where would they stay in Bethlehem? How long would they have to be there? Every step toward the future brought anxiety.
But there was good news to come. God was quietly working through them for the redemption of the whole world. We know that now; they didn't know that then. They had to trust.
There is good news for us as well. For most people, whether the change is huge or small, we don't like it. But in the midst of change and chaos, God is at work for our growth and individual life - for us as individuals, as families, as a church, and as the whole human race. In this season of miracles, God asks us to do one thing: trust.
The Upper Room Daily Devotional – A Night of Miracles

When there are three days cold, expect three days colder
Delight yourself in the Lord
and He will give you the desires of your Heart
Psalm 37:4
May there be a miracle in YOUR life today
and may you have the EYES to SEE it!
I Love You All !!!
Be Blessed !!!
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