Monday, December 29, 2008
For Monday, December 29th, 2008

DECEMBER 29th, 2008
Family and friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches
Wanda Hope Carter
Expect to have hope rekindled. Expect your prayers to be answered in wondrous ways. The dry seasons in life do not last. The spring rains will come again.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
I discovered I always have choices and sometimes it's only a choice of attitude
Judith M. Knowlton

Guess I’ll have to go back to work today. Being at home for 4 days was such a joy.
There are probably some of you out there feeling just the same way, I’m sipping the good Cinnamon Sticky Bun flavored coffee here this morning and trying to count my many blessings, one of which is the job I go too.
It is payroll day and I’m pretty sure our men worked last week so there will be some people counting on paychecks this week. The week before there was only one other person on the payroll besides me and my boss. It’s that time of year when we seldom have work indoors to do.
DS#5 has been suffering from a cold again and DD is fighting one too. Both are supposed to be traveling this week for a winter break so I’ll be praying they are both better soon and can enjoy their little vacations. Of course I’ll be praying for safe travels for them and for DS#6 and his wife too as they go back and forth.
I’m planning on a quiet week. Nothing but work til Wednesday then off Thursday and Friday. On New Years Day evening I’ll have dinner for any in my family that are able to make it.
There will only be 3 days of work so I will not complain for sure.
Have a great day all ! Another wonderful one on the Way !

Father, keep us young in heart as we age, supple in faith,
and always open and expectant for what you want to do in us.
Please pray for God's protection of
our troops and HIS wisdom for their
Lord, hold our troops in
your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for the
selfless acts they perform for us
in our time of need. I ask this in the
name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
God, I thank You for today, for the ways You will bless me,
and for the ways that I will serve others in Your name
I am in the hands of God,
and in God’s time all things will be made well.

Pepper Pot Day commemorates the creation of this thick spicy soup, which was served to the Continental Army during the cold, harsh winter of 1777-1778. Pepper Pot soup was first made on December 29, 1777.
According to the legend...
During the Revolutionary war, the Continental army was camped at Valley Forge. The winter was cold and harsh. Conditions were deplorable. Food was often scarce. George Washington asked his army's chef to prepare a meal for the army that would both warm them, and boost their moral. The chef found scraps of tripe, small bits of meat and some peppercorn. He mixed this in with some other ingredients, and created Pepper Pot soup, also known as "Philadelphia Pepper Pot soup”. The hot, and somewhat spicy soup, was well received by the troops. It was called "the soup that won the war”.
Celebrate Pepper Pot Day by making some Pepper Pot soup for the family. Note: while tripe was a main ingredient of this soup, you can substitute with chicken, beef or ham.
This soup is quite easy to make. It does require about 2-1/2 hours of slow simmering, so plan ahead
Yield: 9 servings
Heat margarine in a large saucepan. Add onions,
leeks, celery and ham. Saute, stirring, until
vegetables are tender. Add water and bouillon cubes
and cook until bouillon cubes are dissolved. Add
remaining ingredients and simmer for 5 minutes.
From Liberty Tree Tavern, Disney World
Makes 9 Cups
Today is National Yodel In The Shower Day
Today is Tick Tock Day. All the dreams you had for 2008.
It's time. Do it!
Today is YMCA Day. The first U.S. branch of the Young Men's Christian Association was organized in Boston on December 29, 1851
1845 Texas became the 28th of the United States of America on this day. And, the state nickname, the Lone Star State, comes from the Texas state flag with its one star. Texas is an altered pronunciation of the Indian word, Tejas, meaning friends, and that’s why the Texas state motto is “Friendship.” The capital of the second largest state is Austin, its state bird, the mockingbird, the state flower, the bluebonnet, the state tree, the pecan tree
1848 - President James Polk turned on the first gas light at the White House
1921: Sears, Roebuck President, Julius Rosenwald, pledges $20 million of his personal fortune to help Sears through hard times
1955: Thirteen-year-old Barbara Joan Streisand recorded "You’ll Never Know" in Brooklyn. She would be appearing on Broadway and misspelling her name within five years
1967: Star Trek's The Trouble With Tribbles airs for the first time

(dedicated to all the teachers in my life)
The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued: "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?" He reminded the other dinner guests that it's true what they say about Teachers: "Those who Those who can't, teach."To corroborate, he said to another guest: "You're a teacher, Susan. Be honest. What do you make?"Susan, who had a reputation of honesty and frankness, replied, "You want to know what I make? "I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could.""I can make a C+ feel like a Congressional Medal of Honor and an A- feel like a slap in the face if the student did not do his or her very best.""I can make kids sit through 40 minutes of study hall in absolute silence.""I can make parents tremble in fear when I call home"You want to know what I make?"
"I make kids wonder.""I make them question." "I make them criticize.""I make them apologize and mean it.""I make them write.""I make them read, read, read.""I make them spell definitely beautiful, definitely beautiful, and definitely beautiful over and over and over again, until they will never misspell either one of those words again.""I make them show all their work in math and hide it all on their final drafts in English.""I make them understand that if you have the brains, then follow your heart...and if someone ever tries to judge you by what you make, you pay them no attention."You want to know what I make?"
"I make a difference."
A "calendarer" is the Olde English word for one who keeps a meticulous calendar. George Ellis wrote a poem in 1751 to describe the twelve months of the year, titled - appropriately enough - "The Twelve Months."
Snowy, flowy, blowy,
Showery, flowery, bowery,
Hoppy, croppy, droppy,
Breezy, sneezy, freezy
ramble \RAM-buhl\, verb, noun:
1. to wander about
noun:1. a walk for pleasure without predetermined destination
verb:1. to talk or write about one thing and then another without useful connection
unknown origin, perhaps frequentative of romen "to walk, go" of via romblen "to ramble." The vowel change was probably influenced by Middle Dutch rammelen, a derivative of rammen "used of the night wanderings of the amorous cat

We do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day
2 Corinthians 4:16
Second Corinthians 4:16 refers to our "wasting away" by the weight of years or the troubles we've had to bear. But while our bodies slowly decay, we can be inwardly renewed by the work of the Spirit within us. God's strength is made perfect in our weakness. Indeed, our later years can be more faith-filled and exciting than our earlier years! We can look back on a lifetime of God's faithfulness to us, offer our lives in the present for God's use, and look forward with hope and joy to what lies ahead
Though our bodies may be weakening, our spirits are being strengthened by God's grace
Upper Room Devotional

A whispering grove tells of a storm to come
Delight yourself in the Lord
and He will give you the desires of your Heart
Psalm 37:4
May there be a miracle in YOUR life today
and may you have the EYES to SEE it!
I Love You All !!!
Be Blessed !!!

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