Sunrise: 7:19 am
Sunset: 7:49 pm

Life is a Special Occasion!
National Weed Appreciation Day is celebrated today and on March 28th of each year and it is a good day to learn more about weeds and their benefits.
Weeds have been used by humans for food and as a herb for much of recorded history. There are the weeds that are edible and nutritious while other weeds have medicinal value.
Do you remember as a small child the fun you had with dandelions? They actually serve many useful purposes. Dandelions are a food source for insects and certain birds. Humans eat young dandelion leaves and enjoy dandelion tea and dandelion wine. The Native Americans used dandelions to treat certain ailments. Nutritionally, dandelions contain a source of vitamin A and C, calcium, iron, and fiber.
Before using any weed as a food source, make sure it is correctly identified and that it is free of herbicides and pesticides. Research the safe edible part of each weed and find useful cooking and preparation tips.
Enjoy National Weed Appreciation Day.
If you can't see the Bright Side, polish the dull side
A weed is but an unloved flower.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
I do love the sunny color of a dandelion, but I’m one that usually puts out weed and feed on the lawn so it looks nice and green. Weeds are defined as something growing where we don’t want it to be and that makes me think about a whole lot of other things that need weeding out in my life. There are lots of things here at my house that are where I don’t want them to be. Just like tending our yards, we need to tend to what’s important in our lives too.
Pulling weeds and planting seeds is like the story of life. We all have weeds in our personal lives like bad habits, inappropriate or misguided opinions of ourselves or others, procrastination, or even lack of organization. They tend to choke out our ability to live life as the good Lord intended for us. Weeding out your life requires persistence, patience, and most of all, a commitment to change.
On the bright side today is our family Easter celebration. All my family except for those living out of state should be there. DS#5 does have other commitments but we’re hoping he’ll be able to show up even though he’ll be a bit late. We’ll miss those that can’t be with us today but wish them a very Happy Easter!
We’re supposed to be doing the annual Easter Egg hunt for the kids outside. It’s cold and there is now a covering of snow on the ground, thanks to a little clipper that came through here yesterday, so it remains to be seen if that will happen inside or out, but they’ll still have lots of fun. DS#3 and his wife are hosting this years celebration and they have a good size yard for hiding eggs in. Hopefully I’ll have lots of pictures to share with you all later on.
The pictures today are of last year’s gathering at DS#5’s house. It was a few weeks later than now and we were able to be outside for most of the day.
As always I’ll be praying for safe travels for all traveling today and on the coming holiday weekend. Many families will be gathering to celebrate together.
I hope you all have a super Saturday!
A man's children and his garden both reflect the amount of weeding done during the growing season.
Author Unknown
Counting at least 3 things every day that I'm thankful for. There is truly is always something to be thankful for.
2619. for weed and feed it makes my grass greener
2620. for a family gathering, always lots of fun
2621. for Easter eggs, colorful and tasty!
Enter into His courts with thanksgiving — and in His presence is fullness of Joy!
Please pray for God's protection of
our troops and HIS wisdom for their
Lord, hold our troops in
your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for the
selfless acts they perform for us
in our time of need. I ask this in the
name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
AND bless our Police Officers, Firefighters
and Paramedics and EMT's
He who hunts for flowers will finds flowers; and he who loves weeds will find weeds.
Henry Ward Beecher
A little smile, a word of cheer,
A bit of love from someone dear…
Yes, I used to love to gather dandelions ... then "blow" as hard as I might. In later years, I think my father tried making dandelion wine!
We're expected to hit 95-degrees today and tomorrow.
I love Easter egg hunts...hope it works out for your gathering today.
It is cool here....such a surprise waking up this morning to a nip in the air...thought we had seen the last of that. Of course, I just cherish it as we have a long, long summer.
Have a blessed weekend.
Hope you had a great Easter celebration with your family Ma! The pictures from last year were cute from the hunt; hope the kids were able to enjoy one this year, weather and all! We were in a store today that said they had a dog Easter hunt going on in the group of stores. People could bring their dogs into participating stores, the dogs got to see if they could find the eggs hidden there and get a dog treat :) Sounded cute!
I know when the kids were younger, they always enjoyed collecting dandelions :)
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