Sunrise: 6:15 am
Sunset: 8:53 pm
Life is a Special Occasion!
Today is Gorgeous Grandma Day which is a time of the year in which we can celebrate the grannies in our lives. Everybody thinks that their grandma is gorgeous, so what could be better than an entire day devoted to acknowledging that fact?
We celebrate those 50s and over women who live to get the most out of their lives. The ones who cherish themselves as much as their family, and most importantly simply exude a love for life. That's certainly a beautiful attitude and we appreciate all the positive energy that those gorgeous grandmas bring to the rest of us.
If you can't see the Bright Side, polish the dull side
Didn't we, like our grandchildren, begin with a childhood we thought would never end? Now, all of a sudden, I'm older than my parents were when I thought they were old.
Lois Wyse, Funny, You Don't Look Like a Grandmother
I do love being a grandmother. I love all my grandchildren and am thankful for all the happiness they add to my life. The pictures today are of some of my grandchildren, but not all.
I have some fond memories of my grandmothers. They both had large families and I suppose that is where my love of family came from.
The heatwave continues on today. I’m not sure if I’ll be doing much at all here. The heat has taken it’s toll on me. I hope you all are keeping as cool as possible.
I hope you all have a SUPER Saturday !
There is a food holiday to celebrate every day of the year!
It’s Vanilla Ice Cream Day.
As part of National Ice Cream Month and not too far behind National Ice Cream Day, National Vanilla Ice Cream Day honors one of the most popular of the ice cream flavors.
I learned that Thomas Jefferson was an ice cream lover and had his own personal recipe for vanilla ice cream and that’s what I’m sharing today
6 yolks of eggs
1/2 lb sugar, 1 1/4 cups
2 bottles, quarts of good cream, 4 pints
1 vanilla bean
Mix the yolks and sugar together. Put the cream on a fire in a casserole, first putting in a stick of vanilla. When near boiling, take it off and pour it gently into the mixture of eggs and sugar. Stir it well. Put it on the fire again, stirring it thoroughly with a spoon to prevent it's sticking to the casserole. When near boiling, take it off and strain it thro' a towel. Put it in the Sabottiere, *the inner cannister of what we now know as an ice cream maker*. then set it in ice an hour before it is to be served. Put into the ice a handful of salt. Put salt on the coverlid of the Sabotiere and cover the whole with ice. Leave it still half a quarter of an hour. Then turn the Sabottiere in the ice 10 minutes open it to loosen with a spatula the ice from the inner sides of the Sabotiere. Shut it & replace it in the ice open it from time to time to detach the ice from the sides when well taken (prise) stir it well with the spatula. Put it in moulds, justling it well down on the knee. Then put the mould into the same bucket of ice. Leave it there to the moment of serving it. To withdraw it, immerse the mould in warm water, turning it well till it will come out and turn it into a plate.

The birth of a grandchild is a wonderful and exciting event! That wonder and excitement continues throughout life.
Tom Potts
Counting at least 3 things every day that I'm thankful for. There is truly is always something to be thankful for.
4066. for grandchildren, they do add a lot of happiness to my life
4067. for my grandmothers, both had large families
4068. for life, every day is a blessing
Enter into His courts with thanksgiving — and in His presence is fullness of Joy!
Please pray for God's protection of
our troops and HIS wisdom for their
Almighty and eternal God,
Protect our military
as they discharge their duties
with the shield of your strength,
may the power of your love
enable them to return home in safety
that with all who love them
they may ever praise you for your loving care.
AND bless our Police Officers, Firefighters
and Paramedics and EMT’s
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Grandchildren are God’s way of compensating us for growing old.
Mary H. Waldrop
A little smile, a word of cheer,
A bit of love from someone dear…
I love vanilla ice cream so I will be celebrating. I only had one grandmother. And she wasn't very nice. I used to say that when I became a grandmother I was going to be a better one than she was. I hope I have achieved that status. My grandchildren are everything to me!!
You are a wonderful grandmother, Ma! Enjoyed all the pictures of your grand kids here. It is fun to be a grandmother indeed! I do like vanilla ice cream, especially in a root beer float. Its about 114 degrees here today.
When I was young I couldn't understand adults' obsession with 'plain old' vanilla ice cream. Boy, was I wrong! :)
... reflecting how far grandmas have come, style wise, just in the last 60 years!
What gorgeous grandchildren you have Pam! What a blessing that you get to spend time with them like you do! I love Vanilla ice cream. Its my favourite, so I am all for celebrating it! Hope your Sunday is filled with lots of love and blessings. Thanks for all you share with us! I love it all! xoxo
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