JANUARY 3rd, 2011
If you can't see the bright side of life, polish the dull side
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien 1892-1973 was born on this day in Bloemfontein, South Africa and is best known for creating the fantasy worlds of The Hobbit - 1937 and The Lord of the Rings trilogy - 1954-55
An Oxford professor of medieval literature, Tolkien masterfully crafted the Middle-Earth adventures of furry-footed Bilbo Baggins and his nephew Frodo, a mythical world of elves, dwarfs, gods, and dragons based on Anglo-Saxon and Norse folklore
In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit..
The Christmas Season has ended. Today we celebrate the Christmas Star.
The Christmas Star is seen in crèches and in artworks depicting the Nativity of our Lord. But the star does not actually come into the story until the entrance of the Wise Men, and Matthew indicates that their visit was some time after the birth of Jesus, perhaps as much as two years.
Epiphany was celebrated January 2nd in our church this year. Traditionally it comes on January 6th. It is also known as Three Kings Day. Usually the evening of January 5th is called Twelfth Night.
Around January 6, the symbol +C+B+M+ with two numbers before and two numbers after (for example, 20+C+B+M+11) is sometimes seen written in chalk above the doorway of Christian homes. The letters are the initials of the traditional names of the Three Magi: Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar. These letters also abbreviate the Latin phrase Christus mansionem benedicat, May Christ bless the house. The beginning and ending numbers are the year, 2011 in the example above. The crosses represent Christ.
Marking the lintels of doorways is an old European practice that originally had overtones of magic (protection of the house). However, the symbols are now used throughout the world and usually represent a traditional Epiphany prayer and blessing.
Epiphany is the shining revelation of Jesus as the Light and Savior of the world. The magi, glimpsing His light, are the first of the multitudes who will come to Him from the east and the west to form a new people of God.
Farewell to thee, O Christmas tree!
Farewell to thee, O Christmas tree!
Twelve months o’er, we shall meet once more,
Merry welcome singing, as of yore,
For Christ now reigns, our Savior dear,
And gives us Christmas every year!
by John Henry Hopkins Jr.
It's National Chocolate Covered Cherries Day.
Home made Chocolate Covered Cherries
1 cup powdered sugar
1 cup creamy peanut butter
2 tablespoons butter, softened
4 teaspoons vanilla
48 maraschino cherries with stems
9 ounces semi sweet chocolate
2 tablespoons crisco
Start early as these require lots of chilling time. Add together first four ingredients; cream well. Shape 48 3/4 inch balls. Set on waxed paper lined baking sheet. Chill 1 hour. Drain cherries well and pat dry. Flatten balls and carefully wrap around cherries, encasing to base of stem.
If your fingers get sticky, just pat a little powdered sugar on them. Return to baking sheet; chill 3 hours. Melt chocolate with crisco. Hold each cherry by its stem and dip into chocolate, covering well. Return again to baking sheet and chill for 2 hours.
Makes 4 dozen
O God, pour your blessings upon us as we celebrate the Christmas Star that it may be a reminder to all of the true Light who came into the world., the Light of the world, who lives and reigns with you and the same Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Please pray for God's protection of
our troops and HIS wisdom for their
Lord, hold our troops in
your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for the
selfless acts they perform for us
in our time of need. I ask this in the
name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
AND bless our Police Officers, Firefighters
and Paramedics and EMT's
You can change you and your environment by doing this simple exercise. For the next 30 days, treat every person you meet, without exception, as the most important person on earth. You will find that people will begin treating you the same way. You see, every person is the most important person on earth
Earl Nightingale
Having made my new year resolutions for 2011, I'm hopeful for another wonderful year, but I know already that there are some changes coming my way. I've found that for the most part changes are good things .
Today begins a change of schedule for me as I've got Mr. Wonderful coming today. DDIL#5's mom requested a change in the days we care for him, so from now on I'll be having him on Mondays, Tuesdays and every other Wednesday each week instead of a week on and then a week off.
This arrangement is fine with me as I'm mostly here at home anyway, so it doesn't make a bit of difference. It will also be nice when camping season starts in April as I'll be able to leave for the camper on Thursdays as I did last year and spend a long weekend there.
Life has taught me to be flexible. My routines are ever changing and the great thing is I can change too.
Life I am the new year.
I am an unspoiled page in your book of time.
I am your next chance at the art of living.
I am your opportunity to practice
what you have learned about life
during the last twelve months.
All that you sought
and didn't find is hidden in me,
waiting for you to search it out
with more determination.
All the good that you tried for
and didn't achieve
is mine to grant
when you have fewer conflicting desires.
All that you dreamed but didn't dare to do,
all that you hoped but did not will,
all the faith that you claimed but did not have --
these slumber lightly,
waiting to be awakened
by the touch of a strong purpose.
I am your opportunity
to renew your allegiance to Him who said,
'behold, I make all things new.'
I am the new year.
Author Unknown
Keep looking ON THE BRIGHT SIDE of things.
A little smile, a word of cheer,
A bit of love from someone near…
Very interesting this morning. Some of these things I never knew, some forgotten, so I learn.
My days with my own Mr. W. are changing too but that's also okay with me. Happy Monday, the sun is shining in Michigan.
What a wonderfully diverse post. So interesting to read!
One of my favorite Christmas songs is "Beautiful Star of Bethlehem."
Like you, I've adjusted to a flexible schedule in retirement. Keeps life interesting!!
Great bits and pieces of light and wisdom as usual. Flexible in retirement? I've rarely been so busy. I need three of me.
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