a pictorial journal
As usual for a Saturday at home it is cleaning up and laundry today. I also have a meeting at church at 1:00 this afternoon, so that means I need to get busy this morning. Once I have an interruption, it’s hard to get back into the swing of things.
I thought maybe you’d enjoy a laugh this morning so I’m sharing the picture above with DS#5 trying to see if his tongue would freeze to the light pole…it didn’t.
November is the month when we remember all the things we are thankful for and the One that makes them possible.
The Trustworthy God
Heavenly Father, I give you my praise and adoration, because you are a faithful God, keeping your covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love you and keep your commands. . . .
Deuteronomy 7:9
Some interesting information for you today. I’m not so sure where I found this article but it is worth taking a look
Natural foods that supply antioxidants are a great way to increase your energy, fight premature aging, protect yourself against cancer, keep your weight normal, and create gorgeous, glowing skin.
Some of the healthiest foods mentioned in the Bible can also help keep your skin beautiful
The almond reminds us to watch for God’s faithful fulfillment of His promises to us. God also used the almond to perform a miracle among the Israelites: He caused the staff of Aaron, Moses’ brother, to burst into blooms with ripe almonds (Num. 17:8). This staff was kept inside the ark of the covenant for remembrance. Scientists haven’t been able to find the famed ark, but they have found some key facts about almonds. Almonds are a good source of vitamin E, a vitamin that is believed to protect against photo damage and wrinkles, and may even improve skin texture.
Did you know that apricots are believed to be the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden? Apple trees were not indigenous to the biblical lands, and the word apple is used in the Bible as a reference to the apricot. For example, Proverbs 25:11 compares a beautiful word to a beautiful apricot nestled in a silver serving dish: A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. Today, we know that apricots are rich sources of carotene, a phytonutrient that helps protect skin against harmful UV rays.
Pistachios were both eaten and used to make skin preparations in biblical times. They are believed to have been part of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, built by the biblical king Nebuchadnezzar and considered to be one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Today, we know pistachios are rich in carotenoids, the phytonutrient that can help block sunlight induced inflammation of the skin, which leads to wrinkles. As an added bonus, one ounce of pistachios contains more fiber than a half-cup of spinach and the same amount as an orange or apple. More fiber means you’ll stay full longer, which helps with appetite control
Pomegranates were a luscious food in biblical times and are enjoying a resurgence in popularity today. During the Exodus, the Israelites complained loudly to Moses that he had led them into the wilderness and they didn’t have pomegranates to eat. When Moses sent spies into the Promised Land, they brought back pomegranates. Pomegranates must be a favorite fruit of God’s, too, because He commanded that their design be woven into the priest’s robes and the architecture of the temple.
Today, this once-exotic fruit is available at most groceries every fall. Just split, drink the juice, and eat the seeds. When it’s not available, buy 100 percent pure pomegranate juice, kept in the refrigerated section of the produce aisle
Many high-priced skin creams contain pomegranate extract to fight wrinkles, but it’s always more fun to eat delicious fruits than apply a wrinkle cream
Although almonds and pistachios are the only nuts mentioned by name in the Bible, we know that walnuts were cultivated and enjoyed. In Mark 6, Jesus walks on water across the lake towards Gennesaret, a region that the ancient historian Josephus said was known for growing walnuts. Experts tell us that walnuts are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are believed to help prevent dry skin and help the skin retain moisture. Consuming these essential fatty acids is also linked with a reduction in symptoms of psoriasis. Also, omega-3s have an anti-inflammatory effect. Many studies are being done to examine the role between inflammation and aging and you can expect to hear more about the overall benefits of consuming walnuts
In Jeremiah 2:21, God calls Israel a noble vine. The fruit of the vine—grapes and raisins—was much loved as food and drink. In 1 Samuel 25, a very wise, and very beautiful, woman named Abigail, took one hundred clusters of raisins, along with other foods, as a peace offering to David to persuade him to call off a deadly attack on her household. It worked. The Bible references raisins many times, usually as cakes, which were simply dried raisins pressed together. Modern women know that raisins are antioxidant powerhouses. Only the humble prune has more antioxidants than raisins. And since a new study reports that people who eat antioxidant-rich foods will have fewer wrinkles, it’s smart to add raisins into your daily snack routine
It’s supposed to be a warm sunny 60 degrees here today. There is lots to do inside, but I’d like to get outside for awhile while the sun is shining

PRAYERSMy heartfelt prayers are being said for all those affected by the tragedy’s that have been going on around our country this week.
Lord, thank you for always being there for us. Help us to trust you in our suffering, even when we do not understand.

Please pray for God's protection of
our troops and HIS wisdom for their
Lord, hold our troops in
your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for the
selfless acts they perform for us
in our time of need. I ask this in the
name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
Just like our Prince Charming and DS#5 in the picture above, it is a little scary knowing how much I have to do around here. Getting ready for the holidays sometimes overwhelms me a bit.
Keep looking ON THE BRIGHT SIDE of things.
A little smile, a word of cheer,
A bit of love from someone near…
Pictures mostly taken by ‘ma’ and courtesy of the camera provided by my ‘babes’
And My thanks to DS#5 for all the SMILES today
1 comment:
Winter arrived here yesterday and again this morning we are pure white here with a very hard frost. It will warm up a bit but will not make 40f today. Hope you got all your jobs done on Saturday and had a good weekkend. Love Joan
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