MARCH 28th, 2009
You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down but the staying down
Mary Pickford
If you have wit, use it to please and not to hurt: you may shine like the sun in the temperate zones without scorching
Lord Chesterfield
There are no hopeless situations - only people who are hopeless about them
Dinah Shore

I’m sipping the good coffee and soon will be on my way to take the car in for servicing. I’m not sure what is involved with this one but rotating tires and oil change should be done for sure.
I made an early appointment so I could have it done and over and get home to do some work around here at home today.
March is almost done and over, but it is still trying to make itself known here. I saw in the forecast we have a chance of snow on Sunday night.
Have a great day all ! Another wonderful one on the Way !
Lord, give me the peace that comes from believing Your time is best
Please pray for God's protection of
our troops and HIS wisdom for their
Lord, hold our troops in
your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for the
selfless acts they perform for us
in our time of need. I ask this in the
name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
Today is National
Black Forest Cake Day
Today is National
Something On A Stick Day, a day to enjoy anything on a stick
Today is
Weed Appreciation Day. Find a weed you think you could like. Think of it as a wildflower and see if that helps
1881: P.T. Barnum and James Bailey merged their circuses to form
The Greatest Show on Earth1986: More than 6,000 radio stations of all formats played
We Are the World simultaneously at 10:15 a.m. EST

The story is told of the most famous elephant in the world -- a huge, beautiful and gentle beast named Bozo. Children extended open palms filled with peanuts for the Indian elephant, who gently plucked them from little hands and seemed to smile as he ate his treats.But one day, for some inexplicable reason, Bozo changed. He almost stampeded the man who cleaned his cage. He charged children at the circus and became incorrigible. His owner knew he would have to destroy the once-gentle giant.
In order to raise money for a new elephant, the circus owner held a cruel exhibition. He sold tickets to witness Bozo's execution and, on the appointed day, his arena was packed. Three men with high-powered rifles rose to take aim at the great beast's head.
Just before the signal was given to shoot, a little, stubby man in a brown hat stepped out of the crowd and said to the elephant's owner, "Sir, this is not necessary. Bozo is not a bad elephant."But he is," the man argued. We must kill him before he kills someone.Sir, give me two minutes alone in his cage, the visitor pleaded, and I'll prove to you that you are wrong. He is not a bad elephant.After a few more moments of discussion (and a written statement absolving the circus of liability if the man should be injured), the keeper finally agreed to allow the man inside Bozo's cage.
The man removed his brown derby and entered the cage of the bellowing and trumpeting beast.Before the elephant could charge, the man began to speak to him. Bozo seemed to immediately quiet down upon hearing the man's words. Nearby spectators could also hear the man, but they could not understand him, for he spoke a foreign language. Soon the great animal began to tremble, whine and throw his head about.
Then the stranger walked up to Bozo and stroked his trunk. The great elephant tenderly wrapped his trunk around the man, lifted him up and carried him around his cage before carefully depositing him back at the door. Everyone applauded.As the cage door closed behind him, the man said to Bozo's keeper, "You see, he is a good elephant. His problem is that he is an Indian elephant and understands one language."
He explained that Bozo was frustrated and confused. He needed someone who could speak his language. "I suggest, sir, that you find someone in London to come in occasionally and talk to the elephant. If you do, you'll have no problems."The man picked up his brown derby and walked away. It was at that time that the circus owner looked carefully at the signature on the paper he held in his hand -- the note absolving the circus of responsibility in the case he was injured inside the elephant's cage. The statement was signed by Rudyard Kipling
Try to notice the good things others do. Try to "toot someone else's horn" whenever possible. You may find that someone will be tooting your horn, too! Thanking others for the good things they do might be a good positive action for Lent!
This is truly the prophet,
Others said, this is the Messiah.
John 7:4
Today I will reflect on who Jesus is.
Polish your floor with club soda to make it sparkle
Delight yourself in the Lord
and He will give you the desires of your Heart
Psalm 37:4
May there be a miracle in YOUR life today
and may you have the EYES to SEE it!
I Love You All !!!
Be Blessed !!!
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March is still giving us cold weather here too with sun and a north wind it looks lovely from behind the glass and thats I am afraid is it for me for today. Hope you don't get anymore snow. Love Joan
Hoping for sunshine and smiles. I needed this post this morning. Take care and enjoy what's left of your weekend,
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