MARCH 30th, 2009
We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors . . . but they all have to learn to live in the same box
Author Unknown
Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars
Henry Van Dyke
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it
Max Lucado
We are off to a very chilly start this morning. They say it will warm up to the mid 40’s today so hopefully I’ll be able to take at least one of my layers off. All this month it’s been that way. April won’t be a whole lot better, but one thing I’ll do is switch from the down filled jacket to a lighter weight spring one.
I also packed my boots away. I don’t want to use them again now til next December. Some places are still having snow and we could do the same, but it won’t require boots (I hope). I have some heavy duty shoes that should keep my feet warm anyway.
This is the week I dread every year. My bosses are down south where it’s sunny and warm and I’m stuck in the office all by myself. Of course #1 boss semi- retired and has a home there and my other boss who is his SIL and his family will be going to visit them on Spring Break. I’ll be doing the office Spring cleaning which it needs badly and my daily work, but it’ll be one long week. My Spring Break will happen but not for awhile. April 17th is my first Friday vacation day and I’ll be spending that weekend at the camper for sure.
Take good care all !
Have a great day all ! Another wonderful one on the Way !
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord shine his face upon you.
May he show you his loving kindness
and bring you peace

Please pray for God's protection of
our troops and HIS wisdom for their
Lord, hold our troops in
your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for the
selfless acts they perform for us
in our time of need. I ask this in the
name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
Today is
Check For Change in Every Coin Return You Pass Day
Today is
Grass Is Always Browner on the Other Side of the Fence Day, a time to honor those who did not jump ship, did not quit, did not leave because things appeared to look better somewhere else
Today is National
Hot Dog Day
Today is
Take A Walk in the Park Day
1867: U.S. Secretary of State William Seward reached agreement with Russia to purchase the territory of
Alaska for $7.2 million, a deal widely ridiculed as
Seward's Folly
1974: John Denver reached the top of the music charts with,
Sunshine on My Shoulders, his first number one song.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles opened in movie theaters throughout the U.S
How Robin Got His Red BreastAn old story
One winter, a long time ago, Jack Frost was very cruel. He made the snow fall thickly upon the ground, and he put ice on the ponds and frost on the window panes.The birds found it very hard to get food and soon they began to get hungry.
Then, one day, the birds were sitting in a ring under a hedge, trying to think what was to be done. After a while a little brown, bird, called Robin, got up to speak."I have an idea," he said. "I will go into the gardens and try to get people to give us a lot more crumbs!"Now Robin had a way all of his own of making friends.He went along to the houses where people lived and in one of the gardens he saw a man clearing away the snow from a path, so he hopped up very close to the man.Most birds are very much afraid of men, but Robin was brave. He had to be, if he was to help the other birds.When the man saw how friendly Robin was, and how hungry he seemed to be, he went into his house and fetched a tray full of crumbs.
Robin was glad, and he fiew off to fetch the other birds, and soon there were crowds of them in the kind man's garden.The best way they could say "Thank you" to the kind man was to eat the crumbs out of his hand.Robin then flew away into other gardens, and wherever he went he made friends.So, while the snow stayed on the ground the birds were able to feed after all.At last Jack Frost sent the snow away, and then the happy birds wanted to thank Robin so they made him a little red waistcoat, which he still wears. That is why he is now called Robin Redbreast
Spend the day fasting from consumerism
Let the one among you who is without sin
be the first to throw a stone at her.
John 8:7
Today I will examine my own life when I’m tempted to condemn another.
TODAY’S ADVICEA problem well stated is a problem half solved
Charles Franklin Kettering
Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your HeartPsalm 37:4
May there be a miracle in YOUR life today
and may you have the EYES to SEE it!
I Love You All !!!
Be Blessed !!!
I've often looked at the world like a box of crayons. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Take care,
Yes it's been pretty cold here today too Ma.Good to be back reading pooter al fixed and I am hoping willlasta while now.LOL!!I hope the work week doesn't prove too hard for you.I loved the tale of Robin Redbreast,but I was always led to believe the Christian story of how the Robin Robin got his red breast...... (The tradition is that when our Lord was on His way to Calvary, a robin picked a thorn out of His crown, and the blood which issued from the wound falling on the bird dyed its breast with red).Love this story too.How I love to feed the birds.My boots are still at the ready here in England our motto is " Neer cast a clart till May goes out" he-he .I hope you are well,I have missed you.Take Care God Bless Kath xx
LOved the little story about Robin Redbreast Ma. I used to really look forward to seeing the first robin of the spring when I lived in Canada. Here there are resident robins all year round. Of course they are a lot smaller than the North American robin and quite cute, and way tamer!
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