Decide to be happy today, to live with what is yours – your family, your business, your job, your luck. If you can’t have what you like, maybe you can like what you have.
Just for today, be kind, cheerful, agreeable, responsive, caring, and understanding. Be your best, dress your best, talk softly, and look for the bright side of things. Praise people for what they do and do not criticize them for what they cannot do. If someone does something stupid, forgive and forget. After all, it’s just for one day.
Who knows, it might turn out to be a nice day.
Wish everyone you know a Happy Spring today! It's something to celebrate!
Congratulations on the good report from your kidney doctor!!!!!
I'm usually reluctant to celebrate Spring b/c I associate it with warmer days and lightweight clothing. (Yep, Winter's my favorite) Aren't we humans silly creatures?! Sometimes I wonder if God's up there, shaking His head. At any rate, I'm happy for you enjoying the change of seasons.
Spring Equinox - I thought we were into spring, but we are having freeze warnings tomorrow!
I am glad about your kidneys.
I am trying to figure out when to get my clothes out!
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