The moments of our lives may be bright with possibility, dark with fear or sadness, or even plain everyday gray, but God's glory never fades. May God's glory shine into the exciting lights, upsetting darks, and boring grays of your every day.
Sunrise: 7:12 am
Sunset: 7:53 pm
Life is a special occasion!!
Today is World Back Up Day which which reminds us to protect our precious digital documents as we’ve become reliant on technology. There’s always that one photo, video or memory that you took the time to save, yet for some reason it’s not yours anymore. Whether it was a lost or broken phone, faulty hard drive or some otner technological mishap, it can feel impossible to keep all your files in one place.
Thankfully, the day before April Fools Day is World Backup Day, which saves us from being the punchline of a joke played by our own devices. It is the day we finally stop saying, I’ll do it tomorrow, and make sure all our precious files find a safe space.
Try not to think of it s a hassle. Remember when you swore to back all those pictures and videos from your last vacation. Now’s the time.
Each day we depend on more and more on data to sere our lives. Although it may be difficult to imagine a future where are precious files aren’t as acessible as they are today, it’s not our job to take the digital memories for granted. Now put your foot down and take a stand, and back that thing up.
What is a Backup? It’s a second copy of all your important files — for example photos, home videos, documents and emails. Instead of storing all in one place, like your computer, you keep another copy of everything somewhere safe.
If you can’t see the bright side, polish the dull side
Never let a stumble be the end of your Journey
I like to keep a hard copy of important documents and have a safe place to keep them. It’s good to have more than one copy in different places. My computer gets used for all sorts of things and it’s a good thing it has a big memory. But I’d be ok without it because I’ve back ups .
The good Lord knows, my memory isn’t that great so I write a lot down. I’ve journals and lists to back up what I don’t want to forget. I keep a note pad right by the computer to jot things down things that I don’t want to forget. Wouldn’t it be great if we could all back up our memory banks forever.
It’s Taco Tuesday so I should cook again today. The weekend leftovers are but a memory now.
Since I have leftover Corned beef brisket I decided to use if for my tacos today. Although I think this reicipe was meant for a beef brisket I’m adapting it to my needs.
Brisket Tacos
3 to 4 pound brisket
1 cup barbecue sauce, your choice
1/4 c.. Worcestershire sauce
1/4 c. liquid smoke
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tsp celery salt
2 tsp. lemon pepper
1/4 tsp salt
1 c. minced onion
1/2 c water
1 c. montery jack cheee
1/2 c. chopped red onion
1 c. finely chopped cilantro, optional
10 to 15 tortillias
Preheat oven to 275 degrees. In large pyrex baking dish, throughly mix barbecue sauce , worcestershire sauce, liquid smoke, garlic powder, celery salt, lemmon pepper, salt chopped onion and water to make sauce. Put the brisket in baking dish and turn it over once to coat with the sauce. Seal tightly with aluminum foil. Bake for 5 to 7 hours or about 2 hour 15 minutes per pound. Carve across the grain in thin slices/ bite sized pieces. Place carved meat back into the sauce and stir until well coated. Serve in warm tortillas and sprinkle with cheese , red onion, and cilantro if desired.
Since baseball season isn’t happening this year, today’s pictures are of one of Xfactor's baseball games last year.
I hope you have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!

An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Winston Churchill
Counting at least 3 things every day that I'm thankful for. There is truly is always something to be thankful for.
7979.for tacos, another use for my leftovers
7980. for back ups that protect our documents
7981. for lists and journals, to help us keep focused
Enter into His courts with thanksgiving — and in His presence is fullness of Joy!
Please pray for God's protection of
our troops and HIS wisdom for their
Almighty and eternal God,
Protect our military
as they discharge their duties
with the shield of your strength,
may the power of your love
enable them to return home in safety
that with all who love them
they may ever praise you for your loving care.
AND bless our Police Officers, Firefighters
and Paramedics and EMT’s
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
You may not be responsible for getting knocked down, But you’re certainly responsible for getting back up.
Wally Amos
A little smile, a word of cheer,
A bit of love from someone dear…
What’s New at My House