The moments of our lives may be bright with possibility, dark with fear or sadness, or even plain everyday gray, but God's glory never fades. May God's glory shine into the exciting lights, upsetting darks, and boring grays of your every day.
40 Days Until CHRISTMAS
Sunrise: 7:17 am
Sunset: 5:08 pm
Life is a Special Occasion!
Today is America Recycles Day.which is a day to encourage people to do their part and recycle. They say that recycling 1 ton of paper saves 17 trees, 2 barrels of oil, 4100 kilowatts of energy, 3.2 cubic yards of landfill space and 50 pounds of air pollution.
These environmental benefits are enough of an incentive for every one to take part in the simple activity of recycling. By reusing the Earth’s natural resources we reduce green house gas emissions and the need to build landfills. We also ensure that these natural resources will be around for future generations to use..
If you can’t see the bright side, polish the dull side

We live in a disposable society. It’s easier to throw things out than to fix them. We even give it a name - we call it recycling.
Neil LaBute
Recycling is important for all of us and it doesn’t take much extra work at all. Right now I’m recycling some clothing by donating what is no longer wanted or needed in my closet. There are several drop off bins in our area and I’ve been bagging up unwanted clothing here since I started to do the fall changeover of the closets. No I’m still not finished yet. the weather is getting colder and I have to pack Halloween away. And soon it will be time to get Chirstmas out. Fall is fast falling into winter.
Why put something in the trash if it’s something someone else might be able to use. One’s mans trash is another man’s treasure. The fact that there are 2nd hand stores all over is proof of that. I like to shop them and donate to them. I’ve reached the point where if I get something new to me, I have to give away something too. There is not room to add on to what I have so I have to give away something in order to get anything new.
Truly I have enough clothing that I could never wear it all out. Most is old and comfortable, but not worn out, so I keep it. It’s not easy to find clothing that I like and am comfortable in. I’m not very fashionable at all but like my clothing soft and loose and never wear anything tight.
One man’s trash is always another men’s treasure. DS#6 says they cleaned out their shed and sat some things out on the curb and most of it was gone before the trash men came. In a way that was recycling too. Those things will be reused again by someone who needed them. Today’s pictures are of all the leaves here. I actually recycle them by mulching them up with the lawnmower. They are good for your lawn. Right now I’m waiting for the snow to melt. Hopefully they’ll be cleaned up by Thanksgiving.
I hope you all have a FANTASTIC Friday!

Use it up, wear it out , make it do, or do without.
New England Proverb
Counting at least 3 things every day that I'm thankful for. There is truly is always something to be thankful for.
7597.for recycling, saving our planet, one bag at a time
7598.for 2nd hand stores
7599.for one man’s trash, it’s another treasure.
Enter into His courts with thanksgiving — and in His presence is fullness of Joy!
Please pray for God's protection of
our troops and HIS wisdom for their
Almighty and eternal God,
Protect our military
as they discharge their duties
with the shield of your strength,
may the power of your love
enable them to return home in safety
that with all who love them
they may ever praise you for your loving care.
AND bless our Police Officers, Firefighters
and Paramedics and EMT’s
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Don’t be a drag, reuse your bags
Author Unknown
A little smile, a word of cheer,
A bit of love from someone dear…
Recycle or reuse when you can, save the planet.
So true that others may like or need the things you no longer use. I too do a lot of giving away to my local Savers but I shop there too so it truly gets recycled:) Like your place.
Look at that snow! I try to recycle or re-purpose what I have rather than throwing it away. We had a freezer that we hadn't used for over 4 years so I put it on Craigslist as free and had over 10 people immediately want it. It found a good home and helped clear out our garage a bit. I like going to the thrift stores here and finding toys and clothes for my grandson. It sure is less expensive than buying them at the retail stores!
We were recyclers before recycling was cool. I'm really glad the concept has become so mainstream.
Have a wonderful weekend, sweet lady.
I agree … it's become more and more difficult to find clothes that I like and are comfortable, too. (Trying to find slacks/pants that actually come up to my waist, for instance.) Thankfully, I've been able to find a few 'normal' (ha!) pieces at vintage resale shops and estate sales. Recycling rocks!
Your house is so pretty do you live in a retirement community? I have lost down two sizes since Grover passed away and have had to buy new clothes I have been packing and giving my larger sizes to charity, but my closets are still packed. I need to do some more clearing out I still have some of his clothes I need to get rid of it just hard to do. Take care, Jean.
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