Sunrise: 6:32 am
Sunset: 8:34 pm
Life is a Special Occasion!
August 10th is Lazy Day. Today is your chance to goof off, and definitely not work. And, it definitely comes at a good time. Hot, muggy weather makes it easy to kick back and be lazy for a day. Enjoy a nice lazy day of doing nothing at all. Let this holiday be the day you forget all about your work, chores and erronds. Let your mind and body be lazy for a the whole day and reenergize your spirit. Let today be the day you find a new way to be lazy and enjoy every minute of it.
If you can't see the Bright Side, polish the dull side
There is no cure for laziness but a large family helps.
Herbert Prochnov
Sundays are always my day of rest so for me to be lazy today is nothing new. After church services in the morning, I’ll be making dinner for any of my family that can come by and then I’m just going to enjoy visiting with them.
It was a very fast week here and although I can’t say that a lot got done, I’m glad to have today as a day of relaxation. We all need time out just to be with family and enjoy being together. Renewal and refreshment are something we all need after a busy week.
Tonight we’ll be seeing the full moon of August, the Full Sturgeon Moon. Some Native American tribes knew that the sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain were most readily caught during this full Moon. Others called it the Green Corn Moon or the Grain Moon. This full moon also gives us this year’s closest supermoon. According to NASA, this full moon will be 14% closer and 30% brighter than other full moons of the year.
Today’s pictures are of our visit with DS#6 and his family yesterday. It was my pleasure to meet my newest granddaughter, our Precious little one.
I hope you have a relaxing and restful Sunday!

Slow Down Therapy
Slow down; God is still in heaven. You are not responsible for doing it all yourself, right now.
Remember a happy, peaceful time in your past. Rest there. Each moment has richness that takes a lifetime to savor.
Set your own pace. When someone is pushing you, it's OK to tell them they're pushing.
Take nothing for granted: watch water flow, the corn grow, the leaves blow, your neighbor mow.
Taste your food. God gives it to delight as well as to nourish.
Notice the sun and the moon as they rise and set. They are remarkable for their steady pattern of movement, not their speed.
Quit planning how you're going to use what you know, learn, or possess. God's gifts just are; be grateful and their purpose will be clear.
When you talk with someone, don't think about what you'll say next. Thoughts will spring up naturally if you let them.
Talk and play with children. It will bring out the unhurried little person inside you.
Create a place in your home... at your work... in your heart... where you can go for quiet and recollection. You deserve it.
Allow yourself time to be lazy and unproductive. Rest isn't luxury; it's a necessity.
Listen to the wind blow. It carries a message of yesterday and tomorrow-and now. NOW counts.
Rest on your laurels. They bring comfort whatever their size, age, or condition.
Talk slower. Talk less. Don't talk. Communication isn't measured by words.
Give yourself permission to be late sometimes. Life is for living, not scheduling.
Listen to the song of a bird; the complete song. Music and nature are gifts, but only if you are willing to receive them.
Take time just to think. Action is good and necessary, but it's fruitful only if we muse, ponder, and mull.
Make time for play-the things you like to do. Whatever your age, your inner child needs re-creation.
Watch and listen to the night sky. It speaks.
Listen to the words you speak, especially in prayer.
Learn to stand back and let others take their turn as leaders.There will always be new opportunities for you to step out in front again.
Divide big jobs into little jobs. If God took six days to create the universe, can you hope to do any better?
When you find yourself rushing and anxious, stop. Ask yourself "WHY?" you are rushing and anxious. The reasons may improve your self-understanding.
Take time to read the Bible. Thoughtful reading is enriching reading.
Direct your life with purposeful choices, not with speed and efficiency. The best musician is one who plays with expression and meaning, not the one who finishes first.
Take a day off alone; make a retreat. You can learn from monks and hermits without becoming one.
Pet a furry friend. You will give and get the gift of now.
Work with your hands. It frees the mind.
Take time to wonder. Without wonder, life is merely existence.
Sit in the dark. It will teach you to see and hear, taste and smell.
Once in a while, turn down the lights, the volume, the throttle, the invitations. Less really can be more.
Let go. Nothing is usually the hardest thing to do - but often it is the best.
Take a walk-but don't go anywhere. If you walk just to get somewhere, you sacrifice the walking.
Count your friends. If you have one, you are lucky. If you have more, you are blessed. Bless them in return.
Count your blessings - one at a time and slowly.
Author Unknown

Laziness is a virtue. Those who can be bothered to tell you otherwise are clearly lacking it.
I have counted at least 3 things every day that I'm thankful for over a year and have now reached 1900 gifts. On my way to 2000. I'm not stopping, but will continue on counting. There is always, always something to be thankful for.
1931. for some Pecan Rolls, bought at my favorite bakery this week
1932. for a good cup of Vanilla Biscotti coffee to go with them
1933. for new micro fabric cleaning covers that fit my Swifter, sure makes my work easier
Enter into His courts with thanksgiving — and in His presence is fullness of Joy!
Please pray for God's protection of
our troops and HIS wisdom for their
Lord, hold our troops in
your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for the
selfless acts they perform for us
in our time of need. I ask this in the
name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
AND bless our Police Officers, Firefighters
and Paramedics and EMT's
Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.
Sam Keen
A little smile, a word of cheer,
A bit of love from someone dear…
Such sweet pictures of your visit with your new grand daughter and family, Ma! She indeed is precious! Looking forward to both the new moon tonight (hopefully no clouds) and a lazy afternoon after church :)
I did like that slow down poem with advice; lots of wisdom there indeed.
Oh my goodness, what a wonderful post! I loved every bit of it and I love the photos of the family posing with beautiful new member of the family! Blessings on you all!! xx
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