The moments of our lives may be bright with possibility, dark with fear or sadness, or even plain everyday gray, but God's glory never fades. May God's glory shine into the exciting lights, upsetting darks, and boring grays of your every day.
Sunrise: 7:54 am
Sunset: 5:07 pm
Life is a Special Occasion!
Today is Tick Tock Day which is a day to review your dreams and goals and start making them into a reality! The end of December is a popular time for looking back on the year's accomplishments, a helpful process when it comes to shaping your resolutions for the coming year.
As millions of Americans prepare to ring in a brand New Year, time is running out for those end of year projects, goals and unfulfilled dreams. Maybe the things you wanted to accomplish in 2017 can still be ticked off your list before the clock ticks 2018.
If you can't see the Bright Side, polish the dull side
Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more hours. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow.
Denis Waitely
There is not a whole lot I need to do before the last day of year, except to get to the store for a few groceries I need to make New Years Day dinner. Being retired and leading a very simple lifestyle makes for some very quiet days.
I did read an article about the things we should let go of before the New Year so I thought maybe I’d share a few of those with you.
Let go of your temper
Let go of petty grudges
Let go of life’s little annoyances
Let go of wanting stuff you don’t need
Let go of putting things off for one more day
These are just a few of the items mentioned, but definitely some things that will make for a happier New Year.
Although it is still very cold out I will trek out to the store today. On the bright side there is not a lot I need, so it won’t take long and the store is close by.
I hope you all have a FANTASTIC Friday!
There is a food holiday to celebrate every day of the year!
It’s Pepper Pot Day! Pepper pot is a thick spicy soup first created on December 29, 1777. During the Revolutionary War, the Continental Army experienced an exceptionally harsh winter in Valley Forge. The soldiers were low on food because the farmers in the area sold all their supplies to the British Army for cash rather than the weak currency that the Continental soldiers could offer.
Christopher Ludwick, the baker general of the Continental Army, gathered whatever food he could find to feed the frail soldiers. The chef was able to find scraps of tripe, meat, and some peppercorn. He mixed the ingredients together with some other seasonings and created the hot spicy soup we now know as pepper pot. It became known as the soup that won the war.
To celebrate this historic dish, try making your own pepper pot soup today! It’s the perfect way to warm up on a chilly December day.
Pepper Pot Soup
1 pound beef or chicken, cut in small pieces
5 slices bacon, diced
1/2 cup onion, chopped
1/2 cup celery, chopped
3 leeks, chopped
1 bunch fresh parsley, chopped
2 quarts beef stock
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon dried marjoram
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 large potato, peeled and diced
2 large carrots, diced
4 tablespoons butter
4 tablespoons flour
In a large, heavy kettle, saute the bacon for approximately 3 minutes. Add the onion, celery, leeks and parsley; saute until tender. Add the uncooked beef or chicken.
Stir in beef stock, thyme, marjoram, cloves, red pepper flakes and black pepper. Bring the kettle to a boil and turn down to a simmer. Cook, covered, until meat is very tender, about 2 hours. Add the diced potato and carrots; cook for an additional 20 minutes.
Prepare the roux by stirring the flour into the melted butter and cooking for a moment on the stove. When the soup is done to your liking, stir in the roux.
Simmer, stirring all the while, until the soup thickens a bit.

Ringing in the New Year
Life offers two great gifts--time, and the ability to choose how we spend it. Planning is a process of choosing among those many options. If we do not choose to plan, then we choose to have others plan for us.
Richard I. Winword
Counting at least 3 things every day that I'm thankful for. There is truly is always something to be thankful for.
5572. for time to finish up what needs done before the new year
5573. for soup on a cold day
5574. for nice warm boots. If my feet are warm I feel warmer all over.
Enter into His courts with thanksgiving — and in His presence is fullness of Joy!
Please pray for God's protection of
our troops and HIS wisdom for their
Almighty and eternal God,
Protect our military
as they discharge their duties
with the shield of your strength,
may the power of your love
enable them to return home in safety
that with all who love them
they may ever praise you for your loving care.
AND bless our Police Officers, Firefighters
and Paramedics and EMT’s
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
Carl Sandburg
A little smile, a word of cheer,
A bit of love from someone dear…