JUNE 22ND, 2009
This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good
Author Unknown
We all need to look for the silver linings in our day-to-day lives
Just for today: I will welcome new beginnings, which are new chapters in my own story of life. My faith in God's ever-present guidance is constant and I can celebrate my freedom to begin anew
Be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars
Henry Van Dyke
Happy Summer !
I had a nice restful weekend and enjoyed a lot of peace and quiet but I sure did miss my camper buddies. My niece, her hubby and his folks were camping this past weekend and they made sure I was fed and not too lonely too.
It was totally unnecessary that they bring me food, but I guess they know I usually don’t cook so they give me dinner on Saturday and lunch on Sunday. It was really considerate of them.
My niece entered the fishing derby they had and she won a trophy too. What a surprise. DSIL has tried to win a trophy before, but she beat him to it. I can just hear it now…I’m sure there will be a little competition coming up between those two. I thought I had a picture of her with her trophy, but I must have messed up as it wasn’t there when I downloaded my pictures of the weekend.
Next week DS#1 and family and DD and her hubby will be back camping with me and it’ll be nice having them there too. I’m actually going to be cooking next weekend too. I promised them I’d make some cabbage rolls, which is something I love but rarely have since it’s one of those things that you don’t make in small quantities.
There is nothing on my calendar but work this week but I do have a vacation day on Friday so I’ll get a nice long 3 day weekend.
Have a great day all ! Another wonderful one on the Way !
Dear God, may the touch of your hand be real to us and remind us that everything will always be okay for you are with us
Please pray for God's protection of
our troops and HIS wisdom for their
Lord, hold our troops in
your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for the
selfless acts they perform for us
in our time of need. I ask this in the
name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
Today is National Chocolate Eclair Day
Today is National Listen to a Child Day
Doughnuts Day - They were apparently invented on this day in 1874
THUMB EXERCISE DAY - Green thumb, thumb wresting, rules of thumb, thumbnail sketch, thumbs down, thumbs up! What would we do without our thumbs? They give us a precision grip and the ability to manipulate objects with great skill - all because they move freely and independently of the fingers. Give your thumbs a good wiggle today and be glad they're there
When you've trusted God and walked his way
When you've felt his hand lead you day by day
But your steps now take you another way ...
Start over.
When you've made your plans and they've gone awry
When you've tried your best and there's no more try
When you've failed yourself and you don't know why ...
Start over.
When you've told your friends what you plan to do
When you've trusted them and they didn't come through
And you're all alone and it's up to you ...
Start over.
When you've failed your kids and they're grown and gone
When you've done your best but it's turned out wrong
And now your grandchildren come along ...
Start over.
When you've prayed to God so you'll know his will
When you've prayed and prayed and you don't know still ...
When you want to stop cause you've had your fill ...
Start over.
When you think you're finished and want to quit
When you've bottomed out in life's deepest pit
When you've tried and tried to get out of it ...
Start over.
Starting over means "Victories Won"
Starting over means "A Race Well Run"
Starting over means "God's Will Done"
Don't just sit there ..............START OVER!
First take the log out of your own eye
Matthew 7:1-5
Everybody is a critic, but nobody wants to be judged or condemned. Thinking the best of other people is necessary if we wish to grow in love. And kindliness in judgment is nothing less that a sacred duty
Jesus states a heavenly principle we can stake our lives on: what you give to others (and how you treat others) will return to you. The Lord knows our faults and he sees all, even the imperfections and sins of the heart which we cannot recognize in ourselves
Make a mouthwash of vinegar and salt to ease a toothache
Delight yourself in the Lord
and He will give you the desires of your Heart
I'm so glad you enjoyed your weekend. Hope you have a nice 4day week!
Glad you had such a good weekend loved the new photos on you other journal of the woodpecker and the nuthatch. LOve Joan
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