Sunrise: 7:40 am
Sunset: 4:58 pm
Life is a Special Occasion!
St. Nicholas Day is today. Yes, there really was a christian Saint Nicholas. He lived in the country of Greece, just a couple hundred years after the birth of Christ. This day is in honor of Saint Nicholas and his life.
Saint Nicholas became a priest, and later, a Bishop of the early Church. True to the christian concept of giving up belongings and following Christ, St. Nicholas gave up all of his belongings. He was well known for giving to needy people, especially children. There are may stories and tales of him helping out children in need.
The practice of hanging up stockings originated with Saint Nicholas. As the ancient legend goes, Saint Nicholas was known to throw small bags of gold coins into the open windows of poor homes. After one bag of gold fell into the stocking of a child, news got around. Children soon began hanging their stocking by their chimneys "in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there".
Happy St. Nicholas Day !

If you can't see the Bright Side, polish the dull side
Jolly Old St. Nicholas
Jolly old St. Nicholas,
Lean your ear this way!
Don't you tell a single soul,
What I'm going to say;
Christmas Eve is coming soon;
Now, you dear old man,
Whisper what you'll bring to me:
Tell me if you can.
When the clock is striking twelve,
When I'm fast asleep,
Down the chimney broad and black,
With your pack you'll creep;
All the stockings you will find
Hanging in a row;
Mine will be the shortest one,
You'll be sure to know.
Johnny wants a pair of skates, Susy wants a dolly;
Nellie wants a story book; She thinks dolls are folly;
As for me, my little brain isn't very bright;
Choose for me, old Santa Claus. What you think is right.
For many years when my family was young we celebrated St. Nicolas Day by putting our shoes out by the fireplace in hope that St. Nicolas would come ! And he did! Bringing small sweet treats that everyone enjoyed !
What wonderful memories I have and I am thankful for them! There is truly nothing quite like a large and loving family and I am blessed for sure !
Today I’ll hopefully get through sorting out the last of the Christmas decorations. DD is coming over later on and will help me finish this part of the downsizing going on here at my house. There is still a lot to go, but on the Bright Side I now have empty storage bins to us for what ever I want to keep.
Today’s pictures are of Christmases past and family gatherings.
The weather forecast says rain, but here at my house it’ll be all about Christmas!
I hope you all have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!
There is a food holiday to celebrate every day of the year!
Today is Microwave Oven Day!
In 1942, a man named Dr. Percy Spencer was testing the magnetron and discovered that the candy bar in his pocket had melted. He conducted a series of tests and concluded that microwave energy caused food to cook much faster than the heat from a conventional oven. The first microwave oven, which was called the Radarange, made its debut in the late 1940s. It stood over six feet tall and weighed over 700 pounds!
Today, over 90% of American households own a microwave oven. In fact, there is an entire food industry based on this one appliance. Just think of everything you can cook in the microwave—frozen meals, leftovers, popcorn, mug brownies, and much more.
To celebrate Microwave Oven Day, pick up your favorite microwaveable meal for dinner tonight! Bon appétit!
I do keep some microwaveable meals in the fridge and one of my favorites is Chicken Pot Pie. Most of the time I use it to warm things up like leftovers from the freezer.
Many candy recipes also call for chocolate chips to be melted in the microwave and I’ve found it much easier to do it this way than over the stove top.
I did a search to find something new to fix in the microwave and this is what I came up with for today:
Microwave Oven Mac and Cheese
This mac and cheese is for those times when you just can’t be bothered to pull out a pan. You need some cheesy goodness, and you need it now. One bowl. All yours. No leftovers.
1/2 cup macaroni or shell pasta
1/2 cup water
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup milk
1/4 to 1/2 cup shredded cheese, like cheddar cheese, Monterey Jack, or provolone
Extra add ins: diced vegetables, shredded or cubed cooked meat, cubed tofu, salsa, dried mustard, chili powder.
Combine the pasta, water, and salt in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave the pasta for 2 minutes: Microwave on high power for 2 minutes, then stir. Watch to see if the water is foaming over the side of the bowl and stir sooner if needed. Use oven mitts or a kitchen towel if you need to move the bowl out of the microwave to do this.
Continue microwaving in 2 minute intervals until the pasta is cooked. Stir between each interval and continue microwaving until the pasta is soft and cooked through.
Stir the milk and cheese into the pasta. Use oven mitts or a kitchen towel to remove the bowl from the microwave. Stir in the milk, cheese, and any extra add ins.
Microwave in 30 second intervals to melt the cheese: Stirring between each interval, until the cheese has melted and forms a creamy sauce. This should take 1 to 1 1/2 minutes total. For a creamier sauce, add an extra tablespoon or two of milk and cheese.
This mac and cheese is best when piping hot from the microwave. If you need to reheat it, add an extra splash of milk.
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love!
Hamilton Wright Mabie
Counting at least 3 things every day that I'm thankful for. There is truly is always something to be thankful for.
4453. for St Nick, reminding us all about the Spirit of Christmas
4454. for empty storage bins, I won’t need to buy more now
4455. for mac and cheese, one of my grandchildren’s favorite foods
Enter into His courts with thanksgiving — and in His presence is fullness of Joy!
Please pray for God's protection of
our troops and HIS wisdom for their
Almighty and eternal God,
Protect our military
as they discharge their duties
with the shield of your strength,
may the power of your love
enable them to return home in safety
that with all who love them
they may ever praise you for your loving care.
AND bless our Police Officers, Firefighters
and Paramedics and EMT’s
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.
Charles Schulz
A little smile, a word of cheer,
A bit of love from someone dear…
What a bright cheery CHRISTMASY post!!!
Wishing you all the blessings of this Christmas Season!
Never thought of making macaroni and cheese in the microwave. Certainly will have to try it now. Such cute pictures of past Christmas celebrations! Was just talking to hubby last night about when we were growing up, we always put out a stocking for Saint Nicholas and it was filled with nuts and small candies :)
I love the song Jolly Old St. Nicholas. It is now stuck in my head!!
I'd totally forgotten about St. Nicholas' Day!
We never celebrated it in my family, but back in '81 my son was living with his dad, observing that tradition ... when I had to call and tell him his much-beloved grandfather suffered a heart attack that morning and passed away.
Silent anniversaries of the heart, more than twice my age ago.
Oh, thank you so much for jogging the memory this morning Pam! I have not heard that song in years. I sang it once in a town Christmas presentation as a solo when I was about six years old, with lots of expression, etc. What a ham I was! What a memory! Your mac and cheese recipe is just the ticket for this house where I am the only one who likes pasta! I could aways make something else for Todd, maybe his liver and onions which I hate! Have a fabulous Wednesday! Thanks for all you share! xoxo
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